Posted by Ty Porter | | Posted On Monday, April 26, 2010 at 9:48 PM

PATS RUN on April, 17 2010.The 4.2 mile run was only practice and a warm up for the event i'm preparing to run. I have the goal to a half marathon and this was the perfect way to gain experience for a long distance run. The run was somewhat of an eye opener that running is something of a challenge for me. Me being two-hundred and twenty five pounds, that weight pounding the pavement for miles is something i will have to adapt to. Me and my wife both started the race about 7 am, we finished the race about 32 minutes after starting it. I am looking forward to my next challenge and hopefully be able to schedule an run my 1/2 marathon in a month or so.

Climbing your Everest by Ty Porter

Posted by Ty Porter | | Posted On at 9:14 PM

Hand over hand at the edge of this cliff.

Seperating what’s real from all of this myth.

Knowing with each step there’s a chance i might fall.

Knowing with each step I’m giving my all.

Working through this pain, the sweat, the tears.

Finding out who are, and working through the fears.

It’s about your goals and giving your best.

and not letting anything get in the way of climbing your Everest.